New facility fosters innovation, collaboration in electrical and computer engineering
A ransomware attack launched in Europe on Friday, May 12, infected as many as a quarter million computers in more than 150 countries, underscoring the growing need for cybersecurity professionals.
The University of Delaware is doing its part to help meet this need with education programs offered through the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and students interested in this field now have access to a new facility with the equipment and capabilities to hold “live-fire” cyber defense and warfare training.
The facility is part of the new $2-million Innovation Suite, known as the iSuite, unveiled on Saturday, May 21, as part of the department’s 125th anniversary celebration.
In addition to the Cyber Range, the 4,500-square-foot iSuite includes the Collaboration Hub and the Makerspace.
“This state-of-the-art teaching laboratory will enable students, faculty and industry collaborator teams to brainstorm, collaborate, prototype and test solutions to society’s grandest challenges,” says department chair Kenneth Barner.
For Chase Cotton, who teaches courses in cybersecurity, the iSuite could not have come at a better time.