by vickytm | Mar 15, 2021 | News, Research and Expertise
Professors, alumnus develop method to destroy explosives in wastewater An activated carbon filter — found in many household filtration systems—can purify your drinking water, but it’s no match for wastewater that contains military-grade explosives. To clean wastewater...
by vickytm | Mar 15, 2021 | News, Success Stories
UD technology feeds new athletic wear, flies outside International Space Station It expands, it contracts, it gets stronger, it lets up — it reacts to changing conditions in formidable and comfortable ways. And the adventures of shear-thickening fluid, invented by...
by vickytm | May 13, 2020 | News, Success Stories
Engineering’s Kristi Kiick receives Leverhulme Visiting Professorship, Fulbright Award to study in the UK For nearly two decades, Kristi Kiick, the Blue and Gold Distinguished Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Delaware, has...
by vickytm | May 13, 2020 | News, Professional Development
UD professor’s team chosen to develop apps for Oak Ridge National Laboratory computer Leading the way into what computer scientists call the exascale era, the Frontier supercomputer will debut at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL)...
by vickytm | May 13, 2020 | News, Research and Expertise
UD tapped to lead development of world-class neutron research instrument The University of Delaware has been tapped to lead the development of a world-class neutron spin echo spectrometer for the United States. This scientific instrument will advance U.S. research on...