by vickytm | Mar 23, 2021 | News, Uncategorized
For their capstone projects, UD senior engineering students built devices for use in healthcare, aerospace, manufacturing and more Every year, senior engineering students at the University of Delaware face the greatest challenge of their academic careers. Preparation...
by vickytm | Mar 18, 2021 | News, Uncategorized
Engineers achieve 3D printing of continuous carbon fiber and thermosetting polymer What do airplanes, bridges, and wind turbines have in common? They can all be made from lightweight, strong, composite materials made of polymers reinforced with strong carbon fibers....
by vickytm | Mar 17, 2021 | News, Uncategorized
UD wins federal grant to establish Center for Plastics Innovation Every year millions of tons of plastic bottles, coffee cups, grocery bags and other waste enter our environment, from landfills to vast garbage patches in the ocean. These plastics can persist for...
by vickytm | May 12, 2020 | News, Success Stories, Uncategorized
UD technology feeds new athletic wear, flies outside International Space Station It expands, it contracts, it gets stronger, it lets up — it reacts to changing conditions in formidable and comfortable ways. And the adventures of shear-thickening fluid, invented by...
by vickytm | Jun 23, 2017 | News, Research and Expertise, Uncategorized
New facility fosters innovation, collaboration in electrical and computer engineering A ransomware attack launched in Europe on Friday, May 12, infected as many as a quarter million computers in more than 150 countries, underscoring the growing need for cybersecurity...
by vickytm | Apr 26, 2017 | News, Research and Expertise, Uncategorized
UD, state and DuPont join forces in new incubator In a strategic effort to amplify and accelerate innovation and entrepreneurship, the University of Delaware is partnering with the state and DuPont to establish a new business incubator and unlock new opportunities for...